Mahony bouquet
larsjonfloristOur ‘Mahony’ bouquet is an arrangement that we have designed as a tribute to the skilled hair dresser and stylist Cim Mahony, who was the first customer to order this particular style of bouquet from our Flower Studio.
At the next step of your purchase, you will be able to indicate if you have particular requests for colours, flowers and shape. You can also write a personal message to be included on a card with your bouquet, as well as choosing your desired delivery date. We offer next day delivery across our delivery area except for Sundays, when we don’t deliver.
Notice that the photo does not represent the exact arrangement that you will receive but is an example of the style of bouquet.
Delivery: We offer personal delivery of bouquets arranged by Lars Jon Flower Studio in our own area of delivery or across Denmark and most of the world through one of our delivery partners. See the delivery area for the Lars Jon Flower Studio here. Outside of this area we will be pleased to take your order and send it on to one of our trusted partners, who will arrange and deliver your bouquet to the recipient. You are still able to enclose a personal message to your order and make wishes for particular flowers or colours, which we will then convey to our partners.